Who We Are

The Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies (CIMS/ICEM) has celebrated over 25 years of informing and educating the public about the Mediterranean world through an engaging program of public events.

What We Do

CIMS hosts a wide variety of lectures by experts in their field on Mediterranean archaeology, history and culture, including art, theater and technology. We organize national conferences, round table discussions and symposia as well as musical evenings and film screenings. CIMS supports a number of archaeological initiatives including the sponsorship of students on excavations.

How We Do It

CIMS enjoys the support of the University of Toronto, York University, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa for its activities. We collaborate closely with diplomatic missions in Ottawa and Toronto and like-minded organizations such as the Archaeological Institute of America, the Parnassos Hellenic Cultural Society and the Canadian Institute in Greece. CIMS explores the Mediterranean past and its place in the present without championing any particular political or religious agenda. We examine the cultures and societies of the Mediterranean in a broad inclusive manner conscious of the geographic and economic links that have bound the region together and of the achievements of individual peoples and countries.

Our logo

Symbolizing the merger of the two organizations, the Institute’s logo is derived from the Phoenician seal used by the former Society for Mediterranean Studies, set on a stylized seascape from the original logo of the former Canadian Mediterranean Institute.

Scripta Mediterranea

Scripta Mediterranea was the refereed journal published by the Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies. It will no longer be published, but back copies are accessible on line and can be obtained from our Archives and accessed through the following link to York University: Archived Journals.

Board of Directors — 2024-2025

Louise Terrillon Mackay
Chair of the Board

Alex Gropper

Clifford Goldfarb

Mario Crespi

Wendy Wynne-Jones

Heather Loube

Noel S. McFerran

Robert W. Peck

Antonio Ricci

Abla Sherif


The Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies collects limited personal information on our members. This includes name, address, telephone number or numbers, fax number and email address. This information is used only for internal purposes and for direct mailings to our members. We take precautions to ensure that this information is retained in confidence. We never make our membership list available to third parties in any form.