Going Somewhere? Migration and Economic Mobility in the Roman West
Online with ZoomJeffrey Easton, Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Toronto
Jeffrey Easton, Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Toronto
Carl Knappett, Department of Art, University of Toronto
C. Michael Sampson, University of Manitoba
Timothy Harrison, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
Amit Rozenblum, Site Conservator, Israel Antiquities Authority
Cristiana Conti, York University
Carl Ehrlich, York University
George W. M. Harrison, Carleton University
Antonio Ricci, York University
Generously funded by Joe Di Geso. Presented jointly by CIMS Ottawa and CIMS Toronto.
Rebecca Flemming, Jesus College, Cambridge University
Michael B. Cosmopoulos, Hellenic Government-Karakas Family Foundation Professor of Archaeology and Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Nicholas Terpstra, University of Toronto
Generously funded by Joe Di Geso. Presented jointly by CIMS Ottawa and CIMS Toronto.
Domenico Pietropaolo, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Rachel Urowitz, Lecturer, University of Toronto
Aven McMaster, Professor Emerita of Thorneloe University and Instructor at Saint Mary's University in Halifax.
R. Angus K. Smith, Brock University
Presented jointly by the Ottawa and Toronto Chapters
Amanda Herring, Department of Art and Art History, Loyola Marymount University
Co-sponsored by the Ottawa Society of the Archaeological Institute of America and by the University of Ottawa.
Michael O'Connor, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto
Brian Butcher, McGill University
John Osborne, Distinguished Research Professor and Dean emeritus, Carleton University
Erin Darby, University of Tennessee
Simeon D. Ehrlich, Stanford University
Christopher Zeichmann, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto
Brendan Burke, Andrew W. Mellon Professor, American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Professor Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria
Aleksander Krogevoll, University of St. Michael's College
Baruch Halpern, University of Georgia
r April Nowell, University of Victoria
Augustine Thompson, O.P., Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Cristiana Zaccagnino, Queen's University
Barbara Reeves, Queen’s University